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Heather Pond Art

Bohemian Dandelion (Gypsy of the Flowers) 24x36

Bohemian Dandelion (Gypsy of the Flowers) 24x36

Regular price $650.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $650.00 USD
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24x36 resin-coated glitter bomb of sunshine, spring, and perseverance. I watched this little dandelion growing for weeks in my front yard, while the tall, beautiful daffodils looked on so I painted and wrote a story about her. I have always loved the concept for Banksy's rat stencils - and much like that, a dandelion has no regard for class or position or society. While efforts are constantly made for a dandelion to be removed, it just reappears anyway. 

Bohemian dandelion grows where she likes. She doesn’t read the signs, follow the rules, or wait to be potted. Bohemian dandelion never plays small. She sticks out proud, neon, out of place, perfect. Bohemian Dandelion has no regard for what should be, no reaction to opinion, she takes her place, bright in her presence, resilient she grows in the space she claims not in the space she is put. 

She is the gypsy of the flowers, the one you find everywhere but only if she’s not where you’re looking. She claims her light without apology - versatile, unchanged. Nobody takes her photo like they do the other flowers. She radiates anyway, bringing such bright contrast in speckles. She has never been confined to the supermarket shelves, wrapped tightly in tissue paper with a sticker price for the scanner, for the thought, for the intent. She is not a product, she is freedom, wild in the wind. 

Bohemian Dandelion belongs everywhere and to nothing at the same time. She has a mother earth heart, a warrior gypsy spirit. No regard for the order or “should.” Radiating as intended, where she wants, as she wants, just because. 

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